Village Council
Board Minutes
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Minutes of the Village of Martin Board
October 14, 2013
Village of Martin
Regular Meeting
October 14, 2013

The Martin Village Council met for its regular meeting on October 14, 2013, at the Martin Village Office, 1609 North Main Street, Martin, Michigan.

Call to Order and Pledge to Flag: President Brinkhuis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag was recited.

Roll Call: Members present: Brinkhuis, Flower, Rambadt, Doezema, Wykstra, Kelsey, Hunt and Deputy Clerk Merrill.

Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Member Flower and supported by Member Hunt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 9, 2013, as corrected, and the minutes of the special meeting of October 2, 2013, as presented. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Visitors present were: Don Rambadt and Natalie VanHouten. President Brinkhuis asked each visitor to state their purpose for attending and to discuss any issues they had for the Council to consider. Natalie reported on the ice cream social and the upcoming Open House, Oct. 26 from 1 until 4.

Approval of Agenda: Member Doezema presented the agenda. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to approve the agenda, with addition of the Christmas parade. Motion carried.

Communications: Clerk Doezema reviewed the following received correspondence: 1. Allegan County Leadership Conference

Financial Items:

1. Treasurer's Report: Deputy Clerk Merrill gave the Treasurer's report, reporting that all bills have been paid and we have reconciled with bank. Motion was made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Flower to approve the report for September 2013 as submitted. Motion carried.

2. Payment of Bills: The bills were reviewed by Clerk Doezema. Some bills were paid prior to the meeting, to ensure payment by due date. Discussion on invoice from I.T. Right and whether to continue paying an annual customer service fee. Motion was made by Member Kelsey and supported by Member Wykstra to pay the bills and any forthcoming utility bills. Motion carried.

Department Updates/Reports:

1. Public Safety: Member Doezema reported on a memo from the Mounted Division where they indicate they would like input on dates we have things going on in town, so the Division can better serve our needs. Doezema will send an email to them for Homecoming, Oct. 18, Halloween, Oct. 31, and the Christmas parade on Dec. 6.

2. Public Works: Member Wykstra reported that we need 2 new tires on the tractor. Martin Tire gave a price of $350/pr. Also, Member Wykstra would like to take the new truck to C-Comm to get lights put on it, which will be no more than $1800, and to Cronen for signs on the truck doors. Motion made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Hunt to take not more than $1800 from the vehicle fund to buy lights for the truck and not more than $200 for signs. Motion carried. Motion made by Member Wykstra and supported by Member Hunt that we pay not more than $400 for lights for the top of the golf cart, to be taken from the water fund. Motion carried. Member Wykstra reported that we need a better leaf blower. He researched and found a good one at Steensma for under $400, which he plans to take from the tool allowance.

3. Streets: Discussion on sidewalks. Vote tabled until November meeting. Member Flower reported that the traffic light probably needs a new battery.

4. Sewer/Water: Member Flower discussed the flow report and recent activity by Clean Earth. He reported that because of our Village being considered "disadvantaged", the SAW Grant would be funded 100% vice 80%. Wightman and Associates is working on the grant write-up. Report given on Shine Auto Wash. Member Flower hand delivered a letter last week informing them that shut-off would happen after October 18 if no payment is made. There was further discussion on the car wash water usage. The State Chem proposal was discussed, deciding a meeting is needed with Tom Rook and Members Flower and Doezema. Member Flower is also checking on the testing for BOD at the east side manhole.

5. Finance: Deputy Clerk Merrill reported on her discussion with PNC Bank.

6. Ordinance and Policy: Member Doezema had no report.

7. Civic Affairs: Member Rambadt reported that the school is donating new lights for the tree. There will be a meeting soon for the Christmas parade and festivities.

8. Five Year Planning: Discussion on Strategic Planning Session. Member Doezema distributed meeting materials and let a discussion on the Vision statement, Mission statement, and supporting values.

9. County Commissioner: Don Black did not attend but dropped off a synopsis of the September 26 and October 10 County Commission meetings.

Old Business: None

New Business:

1. Bleeker Letter: Discussion on the letter received from Ken Bleeker regarding the Boysen building. Questions asked were "what can we do about it", "how do you get it condemned", and "who then pays to tear it down"? Recommendations made were to contact PCI for input. Member Doezema took this item for action. Further actions will be to attend the school board meeting and to also discuss with Bill Miller, Superintendant. This item is expected to be addressed during the upcoming strategic planning session.
2. Christmas parade: This issue was discussed earlier in the meeting.

Recent Community Deaths: The following names were submitted: Gary Mazei, Mark Tuinstra, Mark Strand, and Dorothy Early.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Member Doezema and supported by Member Wykstra to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Darcy Doezema, Clerk